The Do’s and Don’ts of Blood Sugar Logging
Keeping an up-to-date sugar log is one of the best steps you can take to manage your diabetes as well as your overall health.
Here’s the lowdown on how to organize your log so that you (and your doctor) can get the most out of your sugar data.
DO: Organize your sugars according to when you check them.
According to Mayo Clinic, most diabetes patients check their sugars when they wake up in the morning, after meals, and before they go to bed. Your log can be set up this way, too.
By keeping tabs on your sugars this way, you’ll be able to identify important patterns. Some of them could be noticing that your sugar is always high when you wake up in the morning, an issue you may want to discuss with your doctor.
DON’T: Write your sugars in one column.
Jotting down sugar readings in one column just looks like a long list of numbers–because that’s all it is.
Your log may indicate that your sugars climbed to 201, but without any other details, it’s difficult to know why that high occurred. This also prevents you from learning how to avoid sugar spikes in the future.
DO: Look at online resources for logging your sugars.
If you’re afraid of a paper log getting lost in the shuffle on your desk, an online blood sugar log may be for you.
To help you pinpoint specific problem areas in your sugar log, the Iowa Diabetes portal also provides an easy-to-read chart that includes your highest and lowest sugar levels, along with an estimated A1C reading.

DON’T: Forget your log at home.
Now that your sugar data is organized and ready to go, it’s important to bring all this information to your next diabetes checkup.
If you use an online log, it’s easy to email your data to your healthcare provider.
DO: Keep working on your sugar logging, and DON’T give up.
Keeping track of your blood sugars takes time, energy, and perseverance.
It’s easy to get frustrated, especially when you aren’t getting the sugars you’re working for. If you find yourself on the verge of diabetes burnout, remember that by logging your sugars, you’re already one step closer to meeting your wellness goals.
Summary You aren’t alone. If you’re struggling to keep your sugars under control, doctors and certified diabetes educators are available to help. There are also a wide variety of support groups around the country that can help you connect with others in your area who are also coping with diabetes. Start taking control of your blood sugar levels today and log your sugars!
Disclaimer: Any information provided is not intended as medical advice. Iowa Diabetes is not responsible for any information from third parties.