Affordable Insulin Now at $35 a Month by Amazon!
Have you heard? The movement to make insulin affordable has made its way online. Amazon has recently announced that it can fill your insulin prescription for a cost as low as $35.
Read more to find out how Amazon might be able to help save you money on your insulin.
What’s the Hype?
Anyone who has been on insulin can tell you how expensive this med can be. Patients spend upwards of hundreds of dollars each month just to keep up with this life-saving drug. This is not a medication that patients can simply do without. So what are patients to do?
Amazon Pharmacy
In November 2020, in the thick of the pandemic, Amazon pharmacy was launched. It continues to grow and provide meds to patients, even providing access to those who might have trouble acquiring them otherwise. Operating as a fully functioning pharmacy, Amazon can fill prescriptions, with or without insurance, and have them delivered to your door.
Their more recent promotion includes that they will automatically apply coupons when filling your prescriptions. When applicable, these coupons can bring the cost of your insulin down to $35. So what’s the catch?
Affordability Movement
Amazon’s promotion although promising, does not come without some caveats. The coupons they apply can be found and applied at any pharmacy of your choice. They can be found online and your local pharmacist can help navigate what options might work best for you. These coupons typically have a few criteria that our patients have to meet in order to qualify including current insurance coverage, max payout, and use-by dates.
There are many coupon savings cards out there that help patients every day to get their prescriptions at a more affordable price. Don’t be shy and just ask your pharmacist how you might be able to save more.
Summary The insulin industry is making headway in the right direction for our patients. Creating options to make insulin affordable and accessible will greatly improve our patients’ quality of life. However, navigating all of these things can be overwhelming. Talk to your local pharmacist or diabetes eductor today and see how they can help you make the best health decisions.