Here are some simple snacks that are delicious and easy to find anywhere. Let’s limit those carbs by following along with these easy-to-throw-together options.

🥚Hard-boiled Eggs

Eggs are easy to find at the grocery store and make a nice grab-and-go snack. Prep a handful of eggs for the week and store them in your fridge. Peel the shell off and toss a pinch of your favorite seasoning on. One of my current favorites is the Everything Bagel seasoning (YUM!). Snacking on one hard-boiled egg at a time has less than 1 gram of carbs, making it a great low-carb option.


Pick your favorite nut or a premade mix and watch how it keeps your energy up for a few hours, after enjoying a handful. The correct serving size of nuts is smaller than you think. Enjoying one ounce of nuts is roughly a ¼ cup or just a palmful in your hand and this serving size contains about 6-9 grams of carbs depending on which nut variety you reach for. A healthy tip is to choose a mix labeled as unsalted, lightly salted, or low in sodium.

Nut Varieties

  • Peanuts 
  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Brazil Nuts
  • Pistachios



Another easy snack is edamame. Edamame can be found in the frozen vegetables section at the store and is easy to keep in your freezer at home. By using a bag that’s microwave-friendly you can quickly prep it as steamed veggies. Put a pinch of sea salt on the top to make it a tasty munchie for your afternoon snack pangs. A serving size of ½ a cup of edamame contains about 10 grams of carbs keeping it on the lower end for a go-to snack while providing you with 9 grams of protein.

🥕Hummus and Bell Peppers

Hummus doesn’t always have to be paired with crackers and pita. A great low-carb alternative to pita is trying hummus with your favorite bell pepper or cucumber. With a variety of flavor options, hummus is easy to find at any grocery store, so pick your favorite! By spreading about ¼ of a cup of hummus onto wedges from a single bell pepper, you have a filling, tasty snack with only 15 grams of carbs.

🍇Cottage Cheese and Fruit

Our last low-carb snack is for those who like cheesecake but need a healthier snack version of it. Pairing a half-cup of low-fat cottage cheese with a quarter-cup of fresh or frozen blueberries is a delicious combination that is easy to find at any grocery store. Not a fan of blueberries? Substitute for any of your favorites but watch the carb count on the different fruits. This delicious snack gives you about 10 grams of carbs per serving and a whopping 12 grams of protein.

Summary We hope this post has helped you find at least one low-carb snack you’d like to try! All five of these snack options are easy to find at any grocery store and quick to assemble. Let’s limit those carbs together!